Stronger Together 

As an Academy Trust, we believe that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals. We are 'Better Together.' 

Collaboration and not competition will enable us:

– to have high aspirations and expectations – learning without limits
– to be innovative and to encourage responsible risk-taking; and
– to challenge each other continually to improve.

One of the main reasons why partnerships between organisations fail, in education and beyond, is a mismatch of cultures.  Before joining our trust, as part of the due-diligence process, schools will be asked to consider the ethos and vision of Greengate MAT align closely with their own.



  • Our children will be confident, responsible, resilient and informed so that they are empowered to be their best within each school, the Trust and the wider world. 
  • Our staff will develop reflective, professional relationships that enable competence and confidence to thrive through the nurturing and sharing of strengths and expertise.
  • Our Trust will be a nurturing community where collaboration, support, challenge and accountability, underpinned by honest dialogue, lead to sustained high outcomes for all



As a Trust community we develop innovative partnerships that enables us to deliver the very best for every member of our Trust

The values that will enable us to become an outstanding trust are encapsulated in the words nurturedenabled and empowered

Greengate Trust is a family of schools where everyone is nurtured, enabled and empowered

  • Nurtured in their environment  
  • Enabled to develop their skillset  
  • Empowered through their choices

Our values and ethos are the hallmark for any member of the Trust – school staff, governors, trustees – so that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals

We are 'Stronger Together.'

Stronger Together 

As an Academy Trust, we believe that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals. We are 'Better Together.' 

Collaboration and not competition will enable us:

– to have high aspirations and expectations – learning without limits
– to be innovative and to encourage responsible risk-taking; and
– to challenge each other continually to improve.

One of the main reasons why partnerships between organisations fail, in education and beyond, is a mismatch of cultures.  Before joining our trust, as part of the due-diligence process, schools will be asked to consider the ethos and vision of Greengate MAT align closely with their own.



  • Our children will be confident, responsible, resilient and informed so that they are empowered to be their best within each school, the Trust and the wider world. 
  • Our staff will develop reflective, professional relationships that enable competence and confidence to thrive through the nurturing and sharing of strengths and expertise.
  • Our Trust will be a nurturing community where collaboration, support, challenge and accountability, underpinned by honest dialogue, lead to sustained high outcomes for all



As a Trust community we develop innovative partnerships that enables us to deliver the very best for every member of our Trust

The values that will enable us to become an outstanding trust are encapsulated in the words nurturedenabled and empowered

Greengate Trust is a family of schools where everyone is nurtured, enabled and empowered

  • Nurtured in their environment  
  • Enabled to develop their skillset  
  • Empowered through their choices

Our values and ethos are the hallmark for any member of the Trust – school staff, governors, trustees – so that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals

We are 'Stronger Together.'

Stronger Together 

As an Academy Trust, we believe that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals. We are 'Better Together.' 

Collaboration and not competition will enable us:

– to have high aspirations and expectations – learning without limits
– to be innovative and to encourage responsible risk-taking; and
– to challenge each other continually to improve.

One of the main reasons why partnerships between organisations fail, in education and beyond, is a mismatch of cultures.  Before joining our trust, as part of the due-diligence process, schools will be asked to consider the ethos and vision of Greengate MAT align closely with their own.



  • Our children will be confident, responsible, resilient and informed so that they are empowered to be their best within each school, the Trust and the wider world. 
  • Our staff will develop reflective, professional relationships that enable competence and confidence to thrive through the nurturing and sharing of strengths and expertise.
  • Our Trust will be a nurturing community where collaboration, support, challenge and accountability, underpinned by honest dialogue, lead to sustained high outcomes for all



As a Trust community we develop innovative partnerships that enables us to deliver the very best for every member of our Trust

The values that will enable us to become an outstanding trust are encapsulated in the words nurturedenabled and empowered

Greengate Trust is a family of schools where everyone is nurtured, enabled and empowered

  • Nurtured in their environment  
  • Enabled to develop their skillset  
  • Empowered through their choices

Our values and ethos are the hallmark for any member of the Trust – school staff, governors, trustees – so that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals

We are 'Stronger Together.'

Stronger Together 

As an Academy Trust, we believe that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals. We are 'Better Together.' 

Collaboration and not competition will enable us:

– to have high aspirations and expectations – learning without limits
– to be innovative and to encourage responsible risk-taking; and
– to challenge each other continually to improve.

One of the main reasons why partnerships between organisations fail, in education and beyond, is a mismatch of cultures.  Before joining our trust, as part of the due-diligence process, schools will be asked to consider the ethos and vision of Greengate MAT align closely with their own.



  • Our children will be confident, responsible, resilient and informed so that they are empowered to be their best within each school, the Trust and the wider world. 
  • Our staff will develop reflective, professional relationships that enable competence and confidence to thrive through the nurturing and sharing of strengths and expertise.
  • Our Trust will be a nurturing community where collaboration, support, challenge and accountability, underpinned by honest dialogue, lead to sustained high outcomes for all



As a Trust community we develop innovative partnerships that enables us to deliver the very best for every member of our Trust

The values that will enable us to become an outstanding trust are encapsulated in the words nurturedenabled and empowered

Greengate Trust is a family of schools where everyone is nurtured, enabled and empowered

  • Nurtured in their environment  
  • Enabled to develop their skillset  
  • Empowered through their choices

Our values and ethos are the hallmark for any member of the Trust – school staff, governors, trustees – so that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals

We are 'Stronger Together.'

Stronger Together 

As an Academy Trust, we believe that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals. We are 'Better Together.' 

Collaboration and not competition will enable us:

– to have high aspirations and expectations – learning without limits
– to be innovative and to encourage responsible risk-taking; and
– to challenge each other continually to improve.

One of the main reasons why partnerships between organisations fail, in education and beyond, is a mismatch of cultures.  Before joining our trust, as part of the due-diligence process, schools will be asked to consider the ethos and vision of Greengate MAT align closely with their own.



  • Our children will be confident, responsible, resilient and informed so that they are empowered to be their best within each school, the Trust and the wider world. 
  • Our staff will develop reflective, professional relationships that enable competence and confidence to thrive through the nurturing and sharing of strengths and expertise.
  • Our Trust will be a nurturing community where collaboration, support, challenge and accountability, underpinned by honest dialogue, lead to sustained high outcomes for all



As a Trust community we develop innovative partnerships that enables us to deliver the very best for every member of our Trust

The values that will enable us to become an outstanding trust are encapsulated in the words nurturedenabled and empowered

Greengate Trust is a family of schools where everyone is nurtured, enabled and empowered

  • Nurtured in their environment  
  • Enabled to develop their skillset  
  • Empowered through their choices

Our values and ethos are the hallmark for any member of the Trust – school staff, governors, trustees – so that we can achieve more for our children as a group of schools than we can as individuals

We are 'Stronger Together.'