Orrell Holgate is a very successful one form entry primary school. The school has high aspirations and expectations for every pupil which are reflected in the End of KS2 data outcomes. By the end of Y6, children achieve very high standards in English and Maths because they make exceptional progress through the school; for the past two years progress at Y6 has been in the top 3% of schools nationally.
Children who attend Orrell Holgate are well behaved, hardworking and caring. Ofsted 2019: Pupils are happy and love coming to school. They enjoy their learning and say that it is fun. Pupils behave exceptionally well around school and in their lessons. They are polite, well-mannered and care about others.
The school works alongside parents, to equip each child with the tools they need to be successful, safe and happy. Ofsted 2019: Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school
It has an exciting curriculum with many links to wider learning through visits, visitors and its spiritual, moral, social and cultural list of non-negotiable experiences
Orrell Holgate’s motivation for 'Learning For Life' can be summed up through LEARN
Lifelong learning
Equipped for the world
Ambitious in every area
Resilient and courageous
No limits to our success
Whilst the school provides excellence across the curriculum, its staff have expertise in the teaching of English gained through experience as LA Literacy consultants and Y6 moderators.
Holgate's Admission Criteria can be found here